
2pig3tiger, you are great!

Dear 2tiger3tiger,

My dear 2pig3tiger, you did a good job. Clap....

今天大家都幫 2pig3tiger Bolg灌溉好言好語。也因此吸引這麼多國家的朋友,每天都到2pig3tiger Bolg逛逛,欣賞2pig3tiger的文章,由其是大家很貼心地為外國朋友勤練以英文書寫的功夫,讓teacher O好感動喔。
Each 2pig3tiger wrote something for enriching 2pig3tiger bolg today, thank you, everyone. Friends who are from all over the world are attracted by 2pig3tiger because of writing in English. How touched!

Julian, 恭喜你,寫功課的速度提高了,可不要因此"品質"降低喔。
Julian, congratulations for improving your skill of doing homework. Welcome come back.

Kelly & Amanda, 謝謝妳們清楚、明確和具體地說出想要的喜歡的早、中、晚餐,好讓homepa、homema 不用傷腦筋。
Kelly&Amana, thank you for telling homepa/ma what you want and what you like to have precisely.  

Kelly & Nick, 很了不起耶,用英文來表達你們看了South Bank Parkland的感想。
Nick&Kelly, you are really great to express how your feeling about South Bank Parkland.
Hardy, 你將來一定是個很出色的科學家,你觀察細微的能力,無人能比。Teacher O將discovery放在右下角才沒幾天,這個寶貝,居然就讓你發現了,你還真的進入寶山探一個究竟後,推薦大家DINSO和space影片很棒。你信守承諾,你實現你在3/30的諾言了-- "我一定會努力發現更多,然後教大家更多東西。"我覺得我應該要加油,發現更多東西。"、
Hardy, You will be a famous scientist because of observation. You found the discovry attached in the lower right coner and shared with everyone about the best videos of DINSO and space. I would say you have fulfilled your promise. Do more for everybody.

