
Gonna Sydney

Dear Amanda,

Amanda, you said you want to go to Sydney. I think it is a good idea. Please tell me, what the lights of Sydney do you want to see?
Teacher O馬上優游網路,看看如何從homestay所在地Brisbane到Sydney. 我在http://www.countrylink.info/about_countrylink 網站查到可以搭火車去。
從Brisbane to Sydney有多遠? 大約925公里;Teacher O 告訴你,高雄到台北約348公里,所以是不是比較有概念了。
Teacher O searched website immediately and found that one of the best way from Brisbane to Sydney is by rain.
What is the distance between Brisbane and Sydney? around 925 km.
What is the distance between Kaohsiung  and Taipei? around 348km.
So, make sense!
I try to plan our trip in order to get the timetable. As you can see, it takes us 13hour and 36minutes one way and costs AU$502(2adult+5kids). We have to stay all night in the train from Sydney back to Brisbane. That might be a special experience.

Teacher O需要跟你們的媽媽商量討論一下,去或不去? 如果要去Sydney,是二天一夜?還是三天二夜?之後,再來找旅館。
Teacher O has to discuss with 2pig3tiger's mom about the trip. Yes or no, will let you know soon.

Dear 2pig3tiger 也可以自己上 http://www.countrylink.info/about_countrylink網站查,很好玩喔。
It is interesting for 2pig3tiger to plan a trip via the website. Try it for fun.

謝謝Amanda提出這個想法。讓 teacher O又學到如何在澳洲搭火車旅行的資訊。
Thank you, Amanda. Teacher O learn more how to travel by train in Australia due to your idea.

 by Sophia

3 則留言:

  1. Why not catch the plane?

    Easier that way

  2. You guys can always go to Sydney next year XD

    So you can visit us every year

  3. Catherine,
    yes, plane is faster and easier but more expensive too.

